The sweet, viscous liquid food, dark golden in colour, produced in the honey sacs of various bees from the nectar of flowers is stored in the honeycomb, At Aurovea farms, our organically grown apiaries produce surplus honey from each hive for our customers to acquire our mouth-watering and tasteful ‘Sudha’.
Naturally Yours! (Ingredients)
Straight from bee hives, this honey is made from the nectar of flowers organically grown in Aurovea farms.
The Perfect Mix: health benefits (blend of taste and health in every drop)
Raw honey has -
Magnesium to promote heart health and reduce inflammation.
Niacin to lower blood pressure and improve brain function.
Manganese to promote calcium absorption and blood sugar regulation
Rich in antioxidants.
Replace table sugar with honey to help improve diabetes
Improve cholesterol levels
A natural moisturizer
Heals wounds and cuts
Calcium keeps the bones strong
Purity in every drop (Why Sudha - Aurovea Honey)
Most of the honey you find in grocery stores is pasteurized. The high heat kills unwanted yeast, can improve the color and texture, removes any crystallization, and extends the shelf life. However, many of the beneficial nutrients are also destroyed in the process.
Its Amazing! (Fun facts about honey)
Honey can be stored for eternity
Honey is food for bees too.